EvdMap@Pymeta: Evidence Mapping Tool

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About & Tips

- This is a free online tool, named EvdMap@Pymeta, for drawing evidence maps (also known as evidence gap maps). It is an evidence mapping tool, and it comes with no warranties for its use.

- To learn more about evidence maps, please refer to Miake-Lye 2016, 王艺涵 2024, and a sample article (孙文宇 2023) using this tool.

- This is a 'standalone' online tool that does not rely on the PythonMeta module.

- Each bubble on the map is defined by category data on both the x and y-axes. Therefore, the only factor for evaluating the results is the area where their centers are located. The relative positions of bubbles within the same block do not indicate any differences between them. They may experience minor random movements within the block after each refresh.

- Try dragging bubbles with the mouse to make them move freely within their respective blocks.

- To save the picture, choose the desired file type (either PNG or SVG) from the top bar, and then proceed to save it.

- To provide comments or report any bugs, you may contact or leave a message in the Guestbook.

- To cite this tool, please use one of the following formats:

How to input data?

Show input box >>>


Graph title, optional;

X-axis title, optional;

Effect or results classifications (2-10 items) on x-axis, optional;
"superior, equivalent to superior, equivalent to inferior, inferior, unclear" by default, items show on x-axis from left to right;
The 3rd item of map data (i.e.,'effect') must be one of the above categories (case sensitive);

Y-axis title, optional;

Evidence quality classifications (2-10 items) on y-axis, optional;
"Critically low, Low, Moderate, High" by default, items show on y-axis from bottom to top;
The 4th item of map data (i.e.,'quality') must be one of the above categories (case sensitive);

Input map data without label, one evidence for each line, elements in line separated by commas;
Map data syntax: group, name, effect, quality, sample size
- Group: defined freely by users, presented as the color of bubbles, the same group sharing the same color;
- Name: ID of evidences, displaying at the top of each bubble;
- Effect: features corresponding to the X-axis classifications;
- Quality: features corresponding to the Y-axis classifications;
- Sample size: the number of sample included in the evidence, presented as the size of bubbles.

ALL comment lines, start with #, will be ignored.

数据样例: Send to input box >>>
#Evidence map输入数据样例
[y-title]AMSTAR2 SR质量评价(非真实案例)
#以下为map数据: 分组,证据名,效应, 证据质量,样本量

Sample Data: Send to input box >>>
#Data sample of evidence map
#Copy to input box for working
#Label data:
[title][My Evidence Map]
[x-title]Acupuncture for Pain (not real data, only for example)
[x-class]Superior,Equivalent (maybe better),Equivalent (maybe worse),Inferior,Unclear
[y-title]AMSTAR2 quality scores (not real data)
[y-class]Very low,Low,Moderate,High,Very high
#Map data (group name, evidence name, effect, quality, sample size)
migraine, A01, Superior, High, 35
migraine, A02, Equivalent (maybe better), Low, 21
migraine, A03, Equivalent (maybe better), Very high, 44
low back pain, B01, Equivalent (maybe worse), Very low, 22
low back pain, B02, Unclear, Low, 59
low back pain, B03, Superior, Moderate, 73
knee pain, C01, Equivalent (maybe better), Moderate, 116
knee pain, C02, Superior, High, 60
knee pain, C03, Superior, Low, 62
knee pain, C04, Inferior, Very low, 8
Tennis elbow, D01, Unclear, Moderate, 36
Tennis elbow, D02, Equivalent (maybe worse), High, 12

Tips: please check your data syntax if the map not work.

Bubble Size: (1-100)

Label Size:


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